Lindseth Education Consulting
Committed to working with students and their families to help navigatethe complexities of private school and college admissions
Powerful Reporting
Product Developers/ Internet Marketer make more products sales when they can easily display their products with the buy links in the perfecter location.
Mobile Device Friendly
Product Developers Internet Marketer make more sales when and they can easily display their products with the buy links in the perfect location.
Powerful Reporting
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Powerful Reporting
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, are to seg an elit. Duis nec purus a quis puar a tortor, quis puar a tortor.
Powerful Reporting
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, are to seg an elit. Duis nec purus a quis puar a tortor, quis puar a tortor.
Lindseth Educational Consulting, LLC
Lindseth Education Consulting is committed to working with students and their families to help navigate the complexities of private school and college admissions. Creating a customized approach for each student, we start with an initial conversation about academic background, extra-curricular interests, and summer activities. We discuss needs, passions, desires, and goals, and together we create a targeted plan for a successful college process. What differentiates Lindseth Education Consulting from others is our belief that every student has a story to tell that can make his or her application particularly stand out in the eyes of Admission Committees. Helping students figure out that story and tell it in a compelling way throughout the entirety of the application is critical to success in the competitive world of admissions. We work in partnership with students to help tie together academic accomplishments, interests, activities, and summer pursuits to present a clear and honest picture of who they are. And, yes, that makes a difference!.